The KLIMA tokens held by the DAO are considered out of circulation. The treasury still enforces the requirement that there must be at least one carbon token for each KLIMA minted. We also exclude the KLIMA held by the DAO from any market cap figures since they are not in circulation.
Taking the assumption that the KLIMA sent to the DAO would eventually be paid out, with this scenario if someone comes to retire carbon on chain, they had to acquire the KLIMA some way initially. Assuming a direct USDC swap to KLIMA as part of the retirement, there was still more demand on KLIMA for the retirement than if the DAO immediately distributed and sold its fee back for USDC.
So that case should be outlined in a prior reply of mine. When looking at backing per circulating KLIMA, the increase/decrease amounts have been using purely the direct reserve balance of the treasury. In this proposed implementation only excess reserves would be utilized for funding a retirement bond. So any retirements made through this contract would not affect the backing of currently issued KLIMA tokens.