Thank you, rrrmmmmm , for providing the opportunity to address this question.
Firstly, we want to express our profound respect for CDM, Verra, GoldStandard, and other market pioneers. We acknowledge their significant contributions to climate action and paved the way for what’s now the voluntary carbon market.
Moreover, we firmly believe that an 'all hands on deck' approach is crucial to combat climate change. We envision ourselves as another force in this fight.
We acknowledge your point about the role of media in monitoring activities, and the constant threat of potential allegations of greenwashing, which can undermine integrity.
Greenwashing is indeed a pervasive issue. We often encounter comparisons of offsets to letters of indulgence. While some comparisons might hold, there's always a risk that the actions of a few bad actors can cast a long shadow and that is what makes the news. What’s done well rarely makes the news. Further we believe that corporate responsibility is high. All hands on deck means corporates need to reduce emissions, set targets, monitor, report and support actions within and outside their value chain. Following a credible reporting framework such as ISO 14064-1 and targets e.g. SBTI. At the same time we believe we need to support innovation. This is why our program applies the ISO 14064-2 standard which is flexible but at the same time robust safeguarding integrity. By this innovative climate solutions have a place to go to.
As one venture capitalist put it, we are on a mission to "unf****" the planet. We need to be fully aware that mistakes will occur. Keeping in mind the words by Aristotle, 'There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.'
However, we maintain that by enhancing communication and accountability, we can better learn from our mistakes, prevent recurrence, and evolve.
Our ambition is to create a registry where the registry does not play the role of Judge, Jury, and Executioner. Instead, we aim to facilitate a process that brings trustworthy parties to the table and encourages a collaborative approach. This may sound idealistic, but our vision involves integrating different parties at various levels in the same project, thereby building a robust structure devoid of a single point of failure.
We aim to enhance communication by employing technology and improving project accessibility. We aspire to elevate education, story telling and knowledge sharing, which we believe can be achieved gradually and collectively. We plan to incorporate new technologies, such as DMRV systems.
We aim to collaborate with insurance companies, trusting that they can introduce accountability and a fresh perspective. We believe our current buffer system lacks effectiveness and accountability and needs to be improved. We cooperate with VVBs to enhance efficiency throughout the project origination.
Our goal is to establish a structure - a trust chain - that minimizes the risk of single points of failure. We hope to learn from the experiences of others, like Verra and Gold Standard, and perhaps we can reciprocate by sharing our unique approach.
In summary, we believe that the fight against climate change needs everyone on board.