
  • Nov 3, 2022
  • Joined Dec 23, 2021
  • I would like to know what effect equalising the runways for the DAO wallet and the rewards wallet would have on both runways. Archi mentioned in office hours that there is a healthy few years of runway on the core wallet.

    • If we are a DAO, but you believe that we need more rapid decision making, let’s agree to remove the requirement for KIPs for everything, and only use KIPs for a predefined risk or value measure, and all else can be by rapid polling period. 12 to 24 hours is enough time for those invested and active to vote on small impact items.
      I don’t disagree about structure though. If you feel like we need to have job titles and departments, go for it. If a decision affects a particular department only, weight that department’s voting power for larger impact.
      I vote not to become more centralised than we already are. Let the community decide everything, and weight votes when required. Do a KIP vote for anything over a certain risk or financial value.

    • What would be the incentive to bonding the Klima and MCO2 pair instead of staking Klima, and bonding MCO2?