+1 for adding an asset from an organization that in addition to bridging existing carbon credist also helps originating new ones.
KIP-6: Introduce MOSS bonds
+1 diversifying into other green focused assets
Audit & no bad media sounds very ledgit. Diversification is the way forward! Still surprised how quick, nice work.
KlimaDAO needs to keep moving forward
Wish I was able to better educate myself on how this will affect the KLIMA DAO. Valid concerns were brought in the previous forum discussion.
Due to lack of educational material, I will not be voting for or against this.
Seems like nothing will be stopping this train.
Voting for, for diversification of treasury and exposure to REDD+.
Absolutely for.
Looks good for both projects
definitely for!
Always for KLIMA !!!! Explore more
I never really saw questions about double claiming and chain of custody of offset units thoroughly addressed in the other forum (or perhaps I missed it). Are we certain that each unit represents a retired (or burned) carbon credit?
Diversification is the way to growth!
Voting for treasury expansion to include $MCO2.
Generally, I think KlimaDAO should look to qualify and include other on-chain carbon and climate assets as they arise. Given proper due diligence of the tokenized projects, teams, and economics, connection with other high quality assets can strengthen KLIMA's position as the leader of the on-chain carbon market.
Moss yes!
Of course we go for it !
In their AMA, MOSS said that they aim to be the Amazon for carbon credits: connecting buyers to sellers. I would rather projects onboard credits themselves without having to cut in some middle man. Blockchain technology is about removing the middle man, not enriching them. I think we should be patient, and wait for more BCT tiers, BITMO, etc before onboarding more niche projects like MOSS.