Thank you for your precious opinion.
For Carbonmark related questions, this is not the right place to ask
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A common theme at KlimaDAO has been being stuck in the middle of being pure on-chain "DAO", and being a relevant organisation in the VCM which is a close-knit (and sometimes guarded) market.
One of KlimaDAO's key objectives defined in June's Strategy Document was to:
champion the principles of Web3 in environmental commodities markets, in order to establish greater trust and acceptance of the technology
The Doc then goes on to talk a lot about defining KlimaDAO's role in the market, and becoming a more trusted entity.
I see the proposal in this RFC as enabling KlimaDAO to more seriously fulfil these objectives.
From a contributor perspective, this feels like a good solution to help KlimaDAO move forwards with near-term legal priorities / requirements, and generally continue to mature as an organisation, whilst allowing the contribs / community / DWG to continue defining how the DAO operates as a decentralized entity.
Specifically, I would guess this transformation would allow Klima to pass KYB with compliant treasury yield opportunities; do VERPAs with market stakeholders; be part of industry associations etc, all of which I know have been challenging with the current structure?
If so, I am supportive so KlimaDAO can move forwards to its next phase / iteration.
@AndrewSaul - I disagree around "necessity" - do personally think this is necessary for the DAO to move forwards (per above comments). Regarding the jurisdiction, assume the legal team have assessed options here - open to more insights from them on their process on landing on Cayman. My -- admittedly fairly weak -- understanding is that Cayman is generally a favourable jurisdiction for DAO's who want to / need to go the Foundation route, particularly non-profit ones.
DJ gets my vote!
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Very much in favor of this proposal in general. Regarding jurisdiction, I'm also skeptical of Cayman. I thought Zug/Switzerland was the go-to place for serious DAOs. What are disadvantages of Switzerland?
And then: Who the f*** is ThereisonlyoneDJ? This guy has literally only ever said "gm" on the KlimaDAO discord and that a whopping 750 times. Shouldn't the person at the helm of KlimaDAO be the one who is most respected and can best represent us within the carbon markets? Is it really (ever?!) a good idea to put a lawyer in charge?
By the way @TheLawyer: your link to the "sophisticated legal framework" doesn't work.
And then: Who the f*** is ThereisonlyoneDJ?
Can you please be a bit more respectful? This is a serious Forum / place of work.
Assume Lawyer meant this link btw:
He is the steward of the legal department
There's a lot of back-office work that has been done.
If you evaluate people only for tweets and general posts, that's a very shallow way of evaluating pretty much anything; especially when we are talking about growing and scaling up the DAO.
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TheLawyer 0xy_Moron Sorry for being a bit flippant. I was just extremely surprised to be presented with a canditate for the presidency who has never publicly represented KlimaDAO before and who I, as a community member from the very beginning, didn't even know existed.
My main concern remains, which is that I expect the president of the Klima Foundation to be the main representative of the org within our field of operation, which is the carbon markets. Do you agree or do you see the role of the president differently? If so, I would suggest it should be someone with a strong background in carbon markets, who has a personal network in these circles. But that's just my opinion. I'm happy to be convinced of ThereisonlyoneDJ's merits.
Please be cognizant that the position of president is supposed to be awarded by community vote. So the community needs something to judge candidates by. Right now, for me, ThereisonlyoneDJ is a dark horse.
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You should read the post in its entirety: it's clearly written the scope of the foundation.
as per the president, the first point is understanding the dao, the DCM, the ops/legal side of the DAO and being with us since day 1 (or even before). and at the present moment, there is no better candidate
if the presidency will evolve, i'm sure DJ will step down for leaving the chair to someone else.
TheLawyer The scope of the foundation seems to be quite broad. The post states that "The primary mission of the Klima Foundation remains the same as that of the DAO". But maybe I have misinterpreted the role of the president and it's supposed to be less of a role that represents the foundation and the DAO in public, and more just the statutory representative of the legal entity.
As a side note: You haven't fixed your link in the main post and, I think I can also speak for @AndrewSaul here, we were hoping for a bit of legal background regarding the decision for Cayman over, e.g., Switzerland.
Switzerland has no special regulations for DAO.
On the other hand Cayman has a very complete memberless foundation legal structure.
0xy_Moron I am listening to Nic Carter and Matt Walsh´s podcast "On the brink" a lot and acc to them the Bermudas is the premier option for digital assets companys. Just FYI
How are the members of the boad and members of the quarantee committee selected?
It seems that soft consensus has been removed from the kip process. Why not replace comment stage by soft consensus? I think a proposal could be discussed and soft consensus achieved at the same time in one post. In my understanding soft consensus means just having those options yes, no and abstain with detailed proposal how to go forward. Currently there is also discussion possibility in soft consensus stage