Hey! Ryan from Provide here again voicing my support once more and with some added context of the benefits I see in this proposal plus a few ideas that should address concern and encourage others to join in support of this KIP.
First: I'm glad to see Carbonmark's role as a web2/enterprise sales channel for KlimaDAO being pretty well understood throughout this thread (plus a big thank you to those of you recognizing Provide's contributions too!).
As its own legal entity, Carbonmark will be equipped with even more tools and capabilities to drive value to the DAO and to customers. Banking and invoicing is a key one. As glad as we are at Provide to invoice users of Carbonmark - we think it would be a better customer experience for the invoicing party/legal entity in such cases to strictly be Carbonmark (but still operating from the API and SAP solutions by Provide as a technology partner). Also to mention - our customers understanding, confidence, and willingness to engage with digital carbon is greatly furthered with Carbonmark as a designated legal entity. And when Carbonmark API and SAP users graduate to other enterprise blockchain offerings by Provide - this also enables us to offer a share of those revenues back to Carbonmark. Our end-to-end business process re: API simply works better with Carbonmark as a legal entity of its own.
I like to think as well - there will be a boom in the years to come in sustainability driven funding and grants driven by a number of businesses, non-profits, governments, NGOs, etc. KlimaDAO/Carbonmark would actually miss out on taking full advantage of such funding opportunities without the organizational structures to effectively interface with such institutions. I think this would be a good funding channel to pursue regardless of how much Carbonmark is authorized to receive from the treasure in this KIP
With the direct revenues of the API and this additional institutional reach, I believe you would see Carbonmark ultimately become self-sustaining and while also driving a lot of value into KlimaDAO. And KlimaDAO itself could sharpen its focus that much more purely into operating the digital carbon market protocol.
There's a lot of good conversation on how to protect and enhance the interests of token holders on a $3 million commitment or other significant amount. Here's a few ideas of mine:
- Form a board of directors at Carbonmark elected from and representing the interests of KlimaDAO to overlook operations and expenditures
- Find an appropriate way to reward $KLIMA holders in some way during operation of the USDC liquidity pools we use for API
- Carbonmark to produce an auditable financial statement and annual report to the public
- Carbonmark to set a goal to use its profits to accumulate $KLIMA and/or contribute directly back to treasury
Accountability is key when you're handling millions! All this might even make ops expenditures even more transparent than they already are.