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Hi Dimitri,
Transparency: In our onboarding procedure we engage with projects continuously. Each onboarded project is involved in its own local community, therefore, we discuss with multiple communities through our partners. We provide their social media details in the CCS for other people to follow the onboarded projects and communities.
Tracking: It's possible to track all the wallets of onboarded projects. Because all projects generate the same fungible CO2 token, it's not necessary to create project pools. The CCS criteria allows all projects to generate the same CCO2 token. This will make it easier to develop the natural disaster insurance product.
Third party validation is done through our satellite data partner. As they monitor all projects continuously. Our smart contract are developed in such a way that without their data projetcs can't claim their CCO2 tokens. Coorest doesn't control this.
Double counting is impossible in our system because the tokens only exist on-chain. Therefore, the minting and burning of the CCO2 tokens can be tracked without having to worry about bridges.
Additionality in the CCS looks at newly planted trees and not at the profitability of projects. We believe it's important to include yield-bearing trees in the standard because they provide income and food to local communities. Deforestation has often an economic root cause which we are trying to improve. Coorest thinks it's important that both environmental and economic impact go hand in hand. Therefore, farmers play an important role in our ecosystem. Want to so these farmers grow by earning more income enabling them to buy more land, plant more trees, hire more workers, and produce more food. The best weapon against deforestation, poaching, and pollution is growing local wealth.
We see that the market, mainly consumers in Europe, is becoming critical to carbon credits related to projects in South America / Amazon and forest preservation. Often these projects are opaque, untransparent and their impact questionable. We see that The Guardian article pointed made people/businesses very critical regarding kinds of projects. Coorest sees a shift to more transparent carbon offsets and people are willing to pay a premium for that. Example: https://www.sinkit.org/projects.
Coorest can guarantee the buyers of CCO2 tokens that their money is directly going to our onboarded projects and there is no possibility for double counting of these CCO2 tokens due to the implementation of the PoCC certificates.
Kind regards,