This DAO has been horribly mismanaged since the beginning, with psychological actions to keep people from selling like misleading infographics, distracting "news" stories and a slow eroding of the price which has done nothing but enrich the "Klima treasury". Unknown (9,9)ers and sophisticated traders have found suspicious ways to maximize profits off the back of Klima and it is not acknowledged or thoroughly investigated, which makes it look like Klima is condoning the behavior. The "bear" market can not explain the systematic way the Klima token price has been demolished via BCT manipulation and only people with true knowledge of carbon markets and the tokenomics of BCT are able to pull this off, which makes it more suspicious.
Their answer is to throw the APY off of a cliff to 8000% as if to tell the public that it is the APY's fault, so they must punish the Klima investors. These actions would not look good to any real investor, regulatory body, or any official government who would want to partner Carbon credits, with this blockchain technology.
So yes, lets fix the APY and ignore the gross manipulation of Klima that has been tolerated by the team.